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Writer's picture: emeraldofluciferemeraldoflucifer

Hello, it’s on my belief you are all fine and keep practicing the ancient craft. On today's posts lets talk about the creatures that are being said to hunt people during sleep, causing mischief around the world and they will be cast on hell on the day of judgment among with others sinners like I, and these are nothing other than our beloved allies called DEMONS

Demon derived from Greek word daemon meaning DIVINE POWER. Demons are creatures/lesser spirit/ancient Gods/ entity or in whatever way that you want to call them who are neither evil nor good (demons are neutral).

Personally I see demons as independent entities with the main agenda of freeing man from the mental slavery there were subjected to since birth and assisting them on their path to ascent. As the word daemon translate DIVINE POWER, the magician that work with these creatures of darkness have to attain the DIVINE OMNIPOTENCE that will make him equal in power and strength as demons themselves. And that’s why the demons are the best friends of humanity.


Islamic based view: In Islamic doctrines Allah created a lot of things known and unknown to man kind, but among of his creations are angels, Jins and human beings.

“Indeed We created man from dried clay of black smooth mud. And We created the Jinn before that from the smokeless flame of fire” (Quran 15:26-27)

“The Angels were created from light and the Jinn from smokeless fire.” (Saheeh Muslim)

According to Islamic literature the Jins were created before human beings, and this is proved by many gnosis magicians received from spirits claiming to have existence on earth before the flesh (human beings). IN ISLAM ALL DEMONS ARE JINS BUT NOT ALL JINS ARE DEMONS.

“And there are among us some who have surrendered (to Allah) and there are among us some who are unjust. And whoso hath surrendered to Allah, such have taken the right path purposefully.‏”(Al-Jinn: 14)

These means there are Muslims and non Muslims Jins. According to Islamic scholars the Jins follow religion of man, learn the language of man because they are the ones who are looking contact with man not otherwise. Simply just imagine you have evoked Lucifer and he starts to talk in his own language and not the language you know about, I guess you can imagine how the evocation will be.

The demons come from the category of non Muslim Jins, personally all the demons I have worked with including Azazel (among of my personal mentors) told me “I don’t believe on what you are believing in” meaning he doesn’t believe in Islam, or in Allah and his prophet and all the Islamic doctrines he doesn’t believe in it, and most of the time they laugh at me but who cares?

Demons are the ones who follow the sinister path (similar to Christian view) though the only difference is that, Islam doesn’t blame everything bad that happens to individual is because of Satan and his demons, a man is first hold responsible for mischief he can commit because he has free will and the power to choose the life he wants, a sinister one or obedient to Allah.

Christian based view: After coming of Christianity pagan worship were considered evil and the work of devil. All the ancient gods were seen as companions of devil/Satan and there were turned into demons. Among of the most referenced example is the ancient God of the weather and meteorology, lord over all that flies Beelzebub to be turned into goetic spirit king Bael who appear as human, toad and cat at the same time. 

King bael as depicted in ars goetia.

or the Canaanite goddess of love, tall and the most beautiful woman you can ever meet, the consort of price Baal, my patron deity Astarte turned to be Astaroth a hurtful angel with the most unpleasant smell. 

Astaroth as depicted in ars goetia

But with all those efforts still knowledge of occultism survived and here you are, learning the forbidden knowledge.

Historic based view: This is quite simple during the ancient times wars were inevitable one nation to fight the other and rule over them it wasn’t a surprising thing at all and the ruler nation usually refused to worship the gods of the enemy/defeated nation in that case they turn them into demons.

I’m neither historian nor religion scholar but I cant stop you from being one, I guess my brief article on how demons started to exist have given you little light or more doubts but in either way the best way to quench your thirsty is by learning more.

Misconception about demons

Demons are the deities that are considered the most evil doers on the earth and they assist on all blood wars that are happening around the world, let me tell you a honest answer to that, demons are like water, in whatever container you are going to put it in, is the same shape is going to take as I have above stated demons are neutral so in whatever you will direct them to do, they will do as you want and much more. If you direct them to harm a person they will do it, if you send them to heal they will heal, if you want more money they will manifest that. So whatever the demons does is the result of the magician desire, so from there you can see who is the evil one.

What demons can do for you.

A right answer to that is everything and anything. A demon can harm, heal, manifest money, protect from enemies, assist on overcoming addictions and anything that you can desire. With efforts and practice they can also teach how you can manifest your wishes and desire on the physical planes.

FAQ about demons

1. Do demons ruin people lives when they are called?

There are several stories from internet I personally read one of a guy who called Satan to get money for his wedding, a creature with red eyes and dark skin appeared though the person got the money for the wedding but then started to have fever and cold and other stories of people getting attacked and killed after finishing evocation. There is so many stories like these but trust me most of them are just fabricated, I have called many demons known and unknown to public and never I was attacked or got sick just because I have evoked a demon.

2. Are demons safe to be called?

There are some people use angels to constrain demons so they will be obedient, some use threats during evocation so they can dominate the demons, well that is not necessary when you work with demons. If using angels to constrain demons during evocation makes you feel safe go ahead but know is not necessary. As long as you treat demons with respect, that’s enough measure to work with demons safely.

3. Can I worship demons?

There are some sects on occultism that worship demons, but that is a personal choice. Demons don’t need your worship to work with, I have never worship them neither I’m planning to but demons remained to be my powerful allies.

4. Why demons have monstrous appearances?

During evocation a magician act as god by making the spirit appear before him, even if you cant see spirit the act of feeling its presence is enough to make you the god because you have created something before you which didn’t existed before. During these creation is when the created takes the form through the reflection they find on our subconscious. That’s why if magician see demons as evil and monsters the demons will appear to him like that, if he sees them as beautiful beings with wings like fallen angels demons will manifest like that. So the manifestation of demons will depend on your perception towards them.

5. How do I start to work with demons?

That’s the most frequent asked question, if you have interest to start working with demons firstly stop fearing them (yes that’s easier said than done) and when you call them don’t threaten them or try to control them or commanding them rather treat them as your equal.

The method of calling them is simple choose a demon that you feel you are attracted to, draw his sigil and find its en, in the place of dim light and the area that you wont be disturbed chant the en of the demon while gazing on his/her sigil for 3-7 minutes then speak your request, if you have questions ask them and then pay attention to your inner thoughts and intuition and when you are done whether asking question/giving a task finish by saying SO IT DONE/ THANK YOU AND GO IN PEACE. That is very simple and safe method for anyone to practice no matter how inexperienced you are.

With all that being said I wish you all the best on your path of ascent don’t forget to follow my Instagram account (@emerald_of_lucifer) and visit my blog more regularly for more posts about magic.


Connolly S. (2010). Modern Demonolatry. DB Publishing house.

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