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Writer's picture: emeraldofluciferemeraldoflucifer

Hello once again I hope everyone is doing great. Today lets talk about magic squares. Magic squares are tables consisting of numbers or words, which cause a particular effect to occur. They are magically charged and some are made while observing planetary hours and days, some are given directly from spirits. Saying so its possible to even make your own magic squares and they could work pretty well.

There are lot types of magic squares but the most famous ones are from the book of abramelin the mage. I wont talk about the book history because the aim of this post is to learn how to use them not where they are coming from. If you want to learn about the history you can try to find the book itself titled “THE SACRED MAGIC OF ABRAMELIN THE MAGE” its available even on the pdf format.


YES THEY DO. I have used many squares from the book “THE SACRED MAGIC OF ABRAMELIN THE MAGE” but more often I have used the square to bring money and the square for healing and getting books. All of them worked perfectly and its simple type of magic if you need quick solution and when you don’t feel like to perform a ritual.


Its hard to believe just some words arranged in a square could give the effect you want, that was my thought when I firstly ran over the book in 2015. According to E. A. Koeting the magic squares don’t call just a single spirit but they call more than one spirit and some squares even call legion of spirits. I am an eye witness on this, I once open the magical square and asked the spirits to appear on my sleep paralysis, THEY DID their look wasn’t pretty as I expected but they appeared four spirits which are contained on that magic squares.

So when you open a magical square know you are sending a legion of spirits to manifest your goal. With that put your worries to rest.


I agree you could use magical square in similar fashion as you could use a spirit sigil but over some time I have modified the system adding and removing things from other peoples work till I got a method that work perfectly. Here is the secret,

1. Think about the problem you want to solve, then choose a proper magical square. For example you want some extra money then you can use a square to have gold and silver found on chapter 28 of the book “THE SACRED MAGIC OF ABRAMELIN THE MAGE” then draw the square on the piece of paper.

2. Gaze on the square till you see the lines floating on paper or some colors are flashing on the square surface. Gazing it means just rest your eyes on the square, you may even vibrate the words written on the square that is also okay but not necessary.

3. Visualize what you want to happen have already happen. For example if you want some money imagine spending the money on the something you need to buy, or picture yourself holding the cash. Visualizing spending the money is much better than to picture the exact cash that you want but do what it feels correct for you. If you want to heal then visualize yourself health again.

4. Then while you are visualizing feel the relief of what you wanted to happen has already happened. For example if you wanted the money to pay the debt picture yourself how you will feel after the debt is paid. If you wanted to heal picture yourself how you will feel when you are healthy again and so forth.

5. If you will feel necessary then you may add with some affirmation like “I'm health”/ “my debt is paid” / “I have enough money to spend” etc just add a simple sentence that is made on the present and which reflects on what you want.

6. After that you can keep the magic square away till what your want has manifested. When your need is manifested you may bury the square or you may burn it or dissolve it on water then rub it till it turns to nothing.


This book was made on ancient times the meaning of the things at the time may differ on our present days so you must be able to translate the meaning to reflect the present days. For example,

a. On the third chapter to make a spirit appear in animal form you may visualize a specific animal, which will suit a specific task. For example you may visualize a lion or a tiger to attack a person, a bird to send or get information about a specific matter etc.

b. On the fourteenth chapter there is a square to make one invisible I personally have not reached to point of being physically invisible but these squares can be used to make one go unnoticed. If you have something that you want to do and you don’t want people to know about it using these square will grant you the effect you want.

c. On the ninetieth chapter there are squares of love and affection for example to be loved by the pope, an emperor or a king. On the present day you may use this square to be loved by all people of authority from your boss, parents or anyone who is in high position than you. The square titled “for adulteries in general” you may use to get sex whether from a girlfriend, or any person in particular.

d. On 20th chapter the square to bring discord in an army it may be used to bring discord in a group. It may apply to any group despite how large it can be and what authority it has.

e. On 21st chapter there is a square to appear old, in ancient time wise people are usually the elder of the society so you may use this square to appear wise, trustworthy and full of knowledge.

The list is endless but to effectively use the book of Abramelin the mage try to translate the meaning ascribed on the magic squares to fit the present day. You may ask your guardian spirits to also assists you to understand the squares. In the future i am planning to publish a book which will translate the meanings of these magical squares to the public and how to properly use them and how they can be applied in different rituals with maximum effect.


From the book of “THE SACRED MAGIC OF ABRAMELIN THE MAGE” it is argued that you must call an angel first before attempting to use a magic square, well from my personal experience i have found the angels to be called are just enforcing or adding an extra power or customizing the ritual to bring a specific effect rather than a general one but the squares themselves can be used even without the angels.

For example you may call angel Mahasiah while using the magic squares to help you cope/reverse the effect of illness or angel Eladiah to heal your joint and bones problem. My point is, both angels are used in healing and you will use the same square for healing  but each has its part they have specialized. So you may use an entity in conjunction with the magic squares to bring a specific effect that you want rather than a general one.

Apart from angels you may use demons, ancient Gods and Goddesses along side with these magic squares to bring the exact need. For example using the square to bring as much gold and silver, is used today to bring money but you may customize on how the money can manifest depending on demon you may use. A square can be used with duchess Bune to bring a business growth or profit or Clauneck to bring instant cash.

There is a lot to tell about the magic squares and how to use them and get great benefits but for today that can be enough. Till next time stay safe.


Koetting. E. A. Mastering Evocation video course.

Brand Damon.(2015). The 72 Angels of Magick: Instant Access to the Angels of Power. The Gallery of Magick.

Rowe Benjamin. (1998). The Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage. S. L. MacGregor Mathers.

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