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Writer's picture: emeraldofluciferemeraldoflucifer

Hello once again today lets talk about spirit communication methods. Whether through a movie or some friends from a forum you may heard some people talked about communicating with these invisible deities that cant been seen by our physical eyes. If you are new into occult you may probably think these are all stories and these deities can’t be seen or we cant reach them but trust me you can.


When I was starting my path on magic I was depending mainly on websites at that time I didn’t know even if books about magic exists. And I came to this website which state that spirits cant be physically seen so you have to only call them within you and there some other traditions which prohibit you from contacting spirits unless you purify yourself within months, fasting for several weeks and you must be an adept or experienced magician for several years. I’m not here to crush anyone belief system but I trust my experience much more than any system out there and I can firmly say all that old traditions is nothing more than complicating magic so very less people can perform it.

The truth about spirit communication is not as complicated as some of the system claims to be though one thing I can agree it is an art that needs discipline and time to master.


There are diverse ways to communicate with spirits but I will mention few that I have personally used and also they are quite simple and safe.

1. Automatic writing. This is the method some people use it for divination, but it can be used to contact spirits as well. Some say isn’t a reliable method to get information as you can be channeling your own subconscious but I have found that can be improved over time. The more you do these sessions the more better you get at it. Automatic writing is quite simple the only thing you need is a peace of paper, pen, question and clear mind

How to do automatic writing

a. Find a place that you wont be disturbed

b. Decide on the questions that you want ask, if you want to ask a specific spirit then decide on the spirit that you want to call.

c. Banish your area from any negative energy, then gaze at the spirit sigil when the sigil start to flash or some colors have formed on the surface of the paper that contains the sigil then ask your question.

d. If you are not using a sigil then after banishing ask your questions.

e. Write down any information that may come through, don’t try to interpret anything just write it down first and then read later. The major key is to believe in your self.

2. Channeling is the method where by you call a spirit whether through en chanting or meditation. During channeling you are aligning with the spirit energies while the spirit is staying outside of you. Though during channeling sessions you may feel the spirit is within your body but if you concentrate enough you may feel at the same time when the spirit is within you is also outside of you. This is because you have called an entity and you have aligned with its energies so that make you feel as one with the deity.

3. Invocation. During invocation you are calling the spirit within you. The spirit manifests within the body of the magician but a magician will be in full control of the situation.

4. Summoning. This method calls a spirit outside of the body of a magician enough for the spirit to be sensed. The aim of summoning is not to make spirit a spirit to visibly appear but only strong enough to be sensed. But for more open and sensitive people despite any method they use there is a greater chance to see a spirit.

5. Evocation. This is among of the most famous method of spirit communication, it incorporate an act of calling spirit forth outside of the body of the magician to visible manifestation/appearance. Evocation needs enough discipline, effort, and time to master.

6. Possession. Though I cant term this directly as method to contact spirit because all the above methods can be used to call any spirit no matter how strange and unfamiliar can be without consequences but possession is quite opposite. I have mentioned it here at least some people can know what is it exactly. Possession is the situation where by a spirit takes full control of the magician, in some cases a magician may have some free will and be able to know what is taking place but in most times a magician looses his full control and may not even be aware of what he is doing. Possession is done when you are familiar with the spirit and both a magician and the spirit have to agree on the possession to be done. Its a method done when you seek intimate communication with the spirit that's why a good relationship with a spirit is needed.

I wanted to point out these simple definitions for anybody who may have confusing thoughts about these methods. These are just simple definitions but each method is a huge topic that can time to research and even months to master. For any further addition add your opinion on the comment section. Follow me on Instagram @emerald_of_lucifer for more posts about magic. See you again on another post. 

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